The term organic refers to how a food is grown. It does not, however, tell you about a food’s nutritional properties. Processed organic food is still processed food, and just because a food is labeled organic does not necessarily mean healthy. Likewise, choosing organic is not a license to eat more of a food or move less.
Let's take peanut butter for example. The peanut butter label can say "organic" all day long but if it's got added sugars and hydrogenated oil in it, (READ LABELS!) you can pretty much figure out that this is NOT a particularly good choice of organic peanut butter. Are you with me so far?
It can get confusing especially when you're in the beginning stages.
Think of this as a good rule of thumb when it comes to choosing your foods. If a label lists too many ingredients that you can barely read let alone understand, it is usually safe to assume that there is a better choice you can and should make.
The simpler the better. The fewer ingredients there are, the better the food usually is. That's the simplest way I can explain it.
But organic is so much more expensive and is it really worth it, you ask?
The simple answer to that is it depends on your individual needs. Do you have or are having/experiencing menopausal or if younger even, hormonal issues?
Do you have alot of unexplained pain and/or illnesses? Do you feel sluggish much of the day? Do you feel you have unexplained weight gain? Ahhhh....there it is ladies!
Much of this has to do with inflammatory responses in the body caused by the foods and products we use. Which, by the way, will be addressed more in depth in the near future.
For now, if you chronically experience any of the above issues, I would highly suggest you start researching how pesticides and chemicals screw around with your hormonal balance. And you don't need to do every single thing organically or break the bank!
For more even more info, invest in some chat time with me or personal informational emails at click on Ask Robyn and scroll down to the PayPal options and follow me on Instagram
It's not easy but it is possible! I'm here to help😊
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