Hormonal balance is vital to a healthy, mind and body, but can be disrupted in many ways. Hormone fluctuations occur naturally, such as in puberty, menopause, and perimenopause. Hormone imbalance may also be caused by toxins or an unbalanced lifestyle.
That last sentence above is where I come into the picture about 4 years ago. 4 years or so ago after a lifetime of "healthy" (or so we think) eating and exercise, and extensive research and study both through my NASM certification and other courses I decided to make the switch from low or no-fat chemically laden products to whole foods. From protein bars for lunch to actual lunches filled with protein, vegetables, and fats. Switching out so-called "natural" vitamins and minerals with ones that actually are (read labels!). And using skin care products, lotions, detergents, shampoos, etc...made without parabens and other toxic ingredients.
And as someone admittedly who DID NOT practice what I preach, I went full-out cold turkey (DON'T DO THIS) and guess what happened? I got really sick and never felt more like crap in my whole life! I suspected though and it was confirmed by someone even more diligent than me that it was my body's reaction to cleansing myself from all the toxins that were built up. So I stuck it out. I will tell you this though it took a couple of (WAIT FOR IT) YEARS!!
That much toxic bullshit in me?! Yes. Why? Because we are made to believe that "natural" means healthy. That "low-fat" and sugar substitute means we'll lose weight. It's the polar opposite and food and supplement companies entice you to believe it!!
NOW HEAR THIS!! What our government allows us to eat as HEALTHY is banned in most European countries! This pisses me off!
There are many hormones in our body but there are a few (4 or 5) that have the most influence on disease, inflammation and fat storage. Most perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms are caused by these hormones being out of whack. And once you are post-menopausal, don't think those symptoms just go away. And these hormones are not exclusive to women. Men too can be off-balance and experience negative symptoms.
Seeing a lot of family members and friends suffer from symptoms, I wanted to see if I could reduce or eliminate perimenopausal issues before they started. For the most part, I am happy to report, I have.
So for those out there who joke (and sometimes I do too) and question how and what I eat and how much I work out, here's what I have to say to you. There are no guarantees in life, certainly, I'm aware but if there is even the slightest chance that certain negatives can be prevented, I'm all about it. It's not easy and it's expensive but as I always say, "where there's a will there's a way." It may not be your way and that's totally fine. It's my job to get the information out there. Take it or leave it. I'm not judging. But at least for the time being it is my way. And I'm passionate about it !
To find out more about some of the products I use or any other questions please contact me directly through my website email www.attitudect.com as I am not endorsed by any of these products and I don't get paid by them, lol! I should!
All the best,
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