Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Years ago I believe it was my brother-in-law Gene who got me hooked on adding cinnamon to my coffee. Little did we know that we were getting a heck of a lot more than just a delicious naturally sweet taste. To put it simply, it turns out, cinnamon actually helps lower your blood sugar response after eating, which in turn helps reduce your chances of storing fat. But wait! There's more good news!

Studies have shown that cinnamon may not only be effective for overall body fat but specifically for visceral fat found in the belly which is the more dangerous, disease-causing fat. 

I've noticed that when I put cinnamon in my cup first and then add milk (whole) before I pour my coffee, the milk is repelled by the cinnamon. That's when I decided to do some research on it and sure enough!  If cinnamon repels the fatty milk then it stands to reason it has the same or similar response in the body.

What's the takeaway?  By adding cinnamon you get a lusciously, sweet taste with the benefit of not having to add sugar and at the same time the possible benefit of less storage of fat. And it can be added to soooooo many things.  Cottage cheese, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, milk, teas, coffees, etc...

Try it! And please choose organic Ceylon as with everything else, there are different qualities of cinnamon

Have a SWEET day!. 

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