WEIGHT/RESISTANCE training IS the answer to a new you.
Did you know that the ten or so years leading up to perimenopause is probably the most beneficial time for a woman to start a weight training program if she hasn't already done so? A very small percentage of women skate through these and the actual menopause years without a glitch. If you're one of them you are extremely lucky! As for the rest of us, we rarely escape at least some of its ugly wrath. The weight gain you might experience during this time is not necessarily your fault but rather a result of a more sluggish metabolism due to loss of lean muscle and hormonal changes. Even if you don't gain actual pounds on the scale, you may notice fat deposits in different areas and a redistribution of weight. You can fight this but I won't lie to you, it takes will power, commitment and time. But can it be done? YES! If you begin now before symptoms do, you will be ahead of the game.
Along with cardio training and healthier eating habits, incorporating weights on a regular basis will help ward off the negative effects. And, you will NOT gain muscle like a man! Even if you lift heavy (and you should) I repeat YOU WILL NOT GAIN ENOUGH MUSCLE TO LOOK LIKE A MAN! What you will gain is more lean muscle tissue where fat is burned. Bottom line. The more muscle you gain the less weight you gain. ANd the better you look AND feel. Do it now! Trust me!
Happy New Year!
Robyn, CPT
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