Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Many things we do in life require some sort of agreement. We buy a house we sign a contract. We join a gym we sign some type of contract. We sign contracts in marriage. While some contracts are easier to break than others, they are not designed with the intention to break. So, why not sign a contract with ourselves?

When your intention is to change your eating habits in order to lose weight, try writing it down in a commitment to yourself.  As human nature would have it, we don't wake up in the morning planning to let others down. And if you're like me, if I know I've let someone down I won't be able to sleep at night.  Aren't YOU just as important to YOU?

Let's take it one step further. Write down your goal for the day and share it with someone you trust. You could even blog it to me if you don't feel you want to share with a friend yet.  Or depending on your faith, it could even be God!  Let that person know what your intention is for the day (remember as we discussed on DAY 1, small and gradual). 

When you make a commitment to yourself and someone else, you are more likely to succeed! Let me know what you think.  See you tomorrow🍊

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