Saturday, January 13, 2018


I talk a lot about consistency, commitment, etc...and I may even at times sound matter-of-fact. But the truth is if you are struggling to lose weight whether it be for health reasons or you just want to fit into that dress for an upcoming wedding, it's not that easy to stay focused. Especially when we are consumed by ads for food and drink. We are collectively obsessed with food be it a healthy or unhealthy way.  And here in America, it's all around us all the time. It's unavoidable.  With approximately 60% of Americans suffering from obesity (that's 1 in 3 adults) and a staggering 95% of people regaining the weight they've lost, this is a problem of nearly epidemic proportions.  What's the message here?  You're not alone. But as a society, we need to all get on the same page and support each other. Together, we can fight obesity and be a healthier Nation living healthier more productive lives. And by doing so, we will also be teaching our children by example. There are over 12 million children in the United States who are obese. Seek out a workout partner who you feel accountable to. If you can't think of anyone call me! I'm here for you. I'll guide you with the help you're looking for. Or you can even get your kids involved. Get out and take a walk with them while they ride their bikes. It doesn't need to be a long, 2-hour sweat session from hell.  Every little bit counts. In fact, studies show that moving around throughout the day doing normal things can add up to more calories burned than a single workout session on a machine. Walk up the stairs a few more times than usual.  Try to make better choices in terms of eating by adding more greens, more fruits and vegetables. And most of all, if you fall off the wagon you are not a failure. Just get back on and try again! Encourage one another.  Together, anything is possible. 

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