Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Hi ladies,
I'm back! It's been awhile. I never really left. Just haven't blogged for a long time for no particular reason.  But I missed it so I decided it was time to share my thoughts and feelings again, hopefully, impart some knowledge and hear your experiences as well. 

By now, I'm sure most of you have heard the news on sugar. How toxic it can be. How it feeds free radicals which can cause diseases such as heart, diabetes, and cancer.  With all this newly shed light it seems weight gain should be the least of our worries right? It is true, however, that sugar and the rapid rise and fall of it in our bloodstream does have a direct impact on weight control. More about that in another blog rant.

Then there's processed foods and the alarming rate of cancer and other diseases and conditions linked to it. IBS, Crohn's, Dementia to name a few.  What the FDA allows to pass as "healthy" in our foods is a bunch of crap-LITERALLY!  Yeah, you might as well eat shit. Because the FDA says it's ok!

And let's not forget the drugs offered to us in T.V. commercials every time you turn it on with their laundry list of how they can potentially kill you!  So many of these conditions can actually be avoided with preventative nutrition. Good, healthy, wholesome foods.

Though some teeny, weeny steps have been taken to eliminate certain additives by some food chains and fast food restaurants, there is a still a very, very long way to go and frankly, they don't want to get there because "good" is more expensive so they'd rather make the almighty buck than serve us REAL food.

As a result, we see more and more people getting sick younger and younger than ever before.

 Recently I was presented with the news that one of my very close friends was diagnosed with cancer.  She's young, early 40's and it's metastasized rapidly. She's lost her appetite and needs to eat to gain strength so she can boost her immune system.  And would you like to know what her oncologist told her as his best advice?  Eat McDonald's!!

Educate yourselves before it's too late. Becuase chances are your doctor won't.  I'm disgusted. End of rant.

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