Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Is Less more?

Research shows that the higher the rate of intensity at which you exercise in shorter amount of time, the higher caloric burn you achieve.  You also will enjoy a post calorie burn (EPOC) hours after your workout is complete.  Please don't mistake high intensity for high impact.  High intensity means (quite literally) the INTENSITY, for example working to YOUR personal maximum capacity with little to no rest for a given amount of time.  BUT, you can lift your elbow to your knee at a very quick speed for let's say 30 seconds without jumping off the floor, thereby creating NO impact.  

Some people prefer to jump off the floor creating a plyometric or explosive move which is absolutely fine and an option that an individual can incorporate into a routine while others in the same class can choose the low to no impact option.

It's important to keep in mind however, that this type of workout is best used as an enhancement to and not a replacement for your regular workouts.  Reason being is that while you will be burning more calories in a half hour of high intensity training than in a half hour of work at a lower intensity, it is your overall caloric expenditure that will affect weight and body composition change.  Because of the high intensity, you should not do this type of routine everyday because your body simply will not recover sufficiently enough causing break down and injuries.

Remember as with any exercise plan, less could be more if you're looking to maximize results in a shorter amount of time but variation and common sense are always the rule to follow!


  1. Any chance you will start your blogging again? Quite insightful

    1. Hi Shutterbug. Thanks for reading. Yes I have started my blog again! Hope you will join me.
