Wednesday, March 25, 2020

LOWER BODY vs. UPPER BODY EXERCISES. Which is most beneficial?

Today we will be discussing the role Testosterone plays in exercise. Testosterone is a steroid hormone produces in men in the testicles and in women in the adrenal glands.. When thinking of Testosterone, most people might get an image of men flinging heavy weights around the gym. But this hormone is much more significant than that especially when it comes to fat burn and even bone density.

Testosterone IS of course much more freely available in men by a huge percentage than it is in women which is one reason why women shouldn't worry about lifting heavy weights and fearing bulk. 

Contrarily, women who lift heavy weights build more lean muscle (not bulk) and by building lean muscle we are able to burn more fat.  

But how you lift weights and what body parts you emphasize is also a factor. Along with Testosterone which as we know is more available in men, women tend to have more HGH (human growth hormone) which also increased during shorter, more intense bouts of exercise. 

That along with a small amount of Testosterone, can help increase fat burning in women and decrease fat storage. 

If you're a woman who tends to steer clear of heavy leg machines at the gym and gravitate toward hip abductor and adductor machines, it might serve you well to reconsider and add heavier exercises for your lower body whether it be through machine or squats, lunges and deadlifts with the heaviest weight you can handle.  

Your lower body is comprised of bigger muscle groups and the bigger the better in terms of fat burning.  Adding heavy resistance increases both HGH and Testosterone and can have an after burn effect of up to (some say) 48 hours. I tend to err on the side of less. But even so, long endurance exercises such as running, jogging, walking burn calories only while those exercises are being performed. Lifting weights that are challenging to heavy, increases the time you continue to burn even after your workout is completed. 

All this is not to say don't walk, run, cycle, jog all exercise is beneficial. And of course there are exceptions depending on one's overall health or past injuries, But we should be careful to not overdo any one thing and incorporate all modalities to the best of our abilities, age and fitness levels.  

There are ways of incorporating all these no matter what your age or fitness level. And further, High intensity interval training or ( HIIT) is even highly recommended for older adults! I've included a link here for you to read more on this method of training for older adults. .

While you can get resistance from bodyweight exercises without weights, this is one of those methods that should be incorporated into a smart eating and exercise plan, not to be used solely and forever. 

I hope this info gives you even more incentive to workout during this public health challenge and if you don't have weights at home, order some online!  

If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section so I can respond and all can see.  
Thank you and God Bless!

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