Friday, December 28, 2018

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2018.

Each passing year brings with it a time of reflection. As I reflect back on 2018 sadly, I'm not sorry to see it go. It's been a year of tremendous personal loss of dear friends and family. The very beginning of the year brought a devastating blow, mid-year the same and the end managed to deliver a double whammy. 
I realize there are so many like me suffering from all kinds of loss, heart-ache, disappointment in everyday life occurrences. Some feeling helpless and alone.

With that being said, there is a true benefit to exercise other than burning calories, gaining muscle and increasing cardiovascular health.  Regular exercise helps fight depression and uplifts your spirit. Hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine are released during exercise and this could be as simple as going for a brisk walk around the block. With each downward event, these hormones can become depleted thus causing depression to set in. Feeling depressed for a short time is normal but please seek help if these feelings remain for more than a week or 2. 

Some people may need medical advice or help to get that serotonin and other responsible chemicals leveled off but exercise can be the answer too- without having to take medications if in fact your condition is mild. And if you do have a need for medical intervention, exercise can be a boost to it and help you ease off the medications when the time is right.  

Let's make a commitment to feeling better, seeking a healthier lifestyle (certain foods can contribute to feelings of happiness too but too much can have the opposite effect).  Make a commitment to exercise more and just know that no matter what your circumstances, you are not alone. Don't look at all the happy comments on Facebook and compare to your situation because most of it is a crock of shit. 
So get out those walking shoes, put them on and get outside and move!  And come see me too. I'll help you get on the right track.  

Let's get this party started. Welcome, 2019!!

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